Category: Jewellery, Gifts & Crafts -> Jewellery
Country: Poland
  Pendant A9612.
Gold or silver plated.[...] Details...  Wyrób firmy Robert'S Jewelery Design Studio. Wykonanie ze srebra 0.925; waga 2,4g (uzależniona od rozmiaru)- dostepny we wszytkich rozmiarach i z bursztynem Koniak i Zielony.[...] Details...   The actual offer of our jewelry ranges from always very valuable classical styles to newest fashionable trends in following groups:
sets, bracelets, bangels, rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, crosses and crosslets, brooches, jewelry for children and teenagers, occasional and promotional presents ( for companies )
All models are made of silver ( s. 925 ) or gold (s. 585 )[...] Details...   Jewlery with amber
We invite to cooperation all firms which like high quality products and low prices.[...] Details...  COLLECTION CONTAIN:
- pendants (small, medium, large)
- earrings
- rings
- bracelets and bangles
- necklace-chain
- broochs
- this jewelelry lightweight, not expensive
- amber colour: green, yellow, brown, white and multicoloured[...] Details...  Naszyjnik z kamieni półszlachetnych, pojedynczy wyrób istnieje mozliwosc wykonania podobnego na zyczenie klienta.[...] Details...  Spinki mankietowe w kształcie śrub okrętowych.
Wykonanie: ręcznie[...] Details...  Funky style pendant/brooche with amber.[...] Details...  Srebrna bransoletka z mlecznymi bursztynami naturalnymi.
Waga ok. 6g.
srebro pr.925.[...] Details...  Elegant and inexpensive silver bracelet with amber stone available in cognac, milky or lemon colour. Matching pendant and earrings available.
Very light in its weight and look. For all age girls.[...] Details...